Regular Expressions

Currently there is no regex support in Zig, so the best way to go is binding with Posix's regex.h.

Interop with C is easy in Zig, but since translate-c doesn't support bitfields, we can't use regex_t directly. So here we create a static C library first, providing two functions:

regex_t* alloc_regex_t(void);
void free_regex_t(regex_t* ptr);

regex_t* is a pointer, it has fixed size, so we can use it directly in Zig.

const std = @import("std");
const print = std.debug.print;
const c = @cImport({
    // This is our static library.

const Regex = struct {
    inner: *c.regex_t,

    fn init(pattern: [:0]const u8) !Regex {
        const inner = c.alloc_regex_t().?;
        if (0 != c.regcomp(inner, pattern, c.REG_NEWLINE | c.REG_EXTENDED)) {
            return error.compile;

        return .{
            .inner = inner,

    fn deinit(self: Regex) void {

    fn matches(self: Regex, input: [:0]const u8) bool {
        const match_size = 1;
        var pmatch: [match_size]c.regmatch_t = undefined;
        return 0 == c.regexec(self.inner, input, match_size, &pmatch, 0);

    fn exec(self: Regex, input: [:0]const u8) !void {
        const match_size = 1;
        var pmatch: [match_size]c.regmatch_t = undefined;

        var i: usize = 0;
        var string = input;
        const expected = [_][]const u8{ "John Do", "John Foo" };
        while (true) {
            if (0 != c.regexec(self.inner, string, match_size, &pmatch, 0)) {

            const slice = string[@as(usize, @intCast(pmatch[0].rm_so))..@as(usize, @intCast(pmatch[0].rm_eo))];

            try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected[i], slice);

            string = string[@intCast(pmatch[0].rm_eo)..];
            i += 1;

        try std.testing.expectEqual(i, 2);

pub fn main() !void {
        const regex = try Regex.init("[ab]c");
        defer regex.deinit();

        try std.testing.expect(regex.matches("bc"));
        try std.testing.expect(!regex.matches("cc"));

        const regex = try Regex.init("John.*o");
        defer regex.deinit();

        try regex.exec(
            \\ 1) John Driverhacker;
            \\ 2) John Doe;
            \\ 3) John Foo;


Last change: 2024-09-18, commit: 26822f5