Share data between two threads

When we want to mutate data shared between threads, Mutex(Mutually exclusive flag) must be used to synchronize threads, otherwise the result maybe unexpected.

const std = @import("std");
const Thread = std.Thread;
const Mutex = Thread.Mutex;

const SharedData = struct {
    mutex: Mutex,
    value: i32,

    pub fn updateValue(self: *SharedData, increment: i32) void {
        // Use `tryLock` if you don't want to block
        defer self.mutex.unlock();

        for (0..100) |_| {
            self.value += increment;

pub fn main() !void {
    var shared_data = SharedData{ .mutex = Mutex{}, .value = 0 };
    // This block is necessary to ensure that all threads are joined before proceeding.
        const t1 = try Thread.spawn(.{}, SharedData.updateValue, .{ &shared_data, 1 });
        defer t1.join();
        const t2 = try Thread.spawn(.{}, SharedData.updateValue, .{ &shared_data, 2 });
        defer t2.join();
    try std.testing.expectEqual(shared_data.value, 300);

If we remove Mutex protection, the result will most like be less than 300.

Last change: 2024-07-04, commit: e577a80