Spawn a short-lived thread
The example uses std.Thread
for concurrent and parallel programming.
spawns a new thread to calculate the result.
This example splits the array in half and performs the work in separate threads.
Note: In order to ensure
thread is completed when spawnt2
fails, wedefer t1.join()
immediately after spawnt1
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var arr = [_]i32{ 1, 25, -4, 10, 100, 200, -100, -200 };
var max_value: i32 = undefined;
try findMax(&max_value, &arr);
try std.testing.expectEqual(max_value, 200);
fn findMax(max_value: *i32, values: []i32) !void {
const THRESHOLD: usize = 2;
if (values.len <= THRESHOLD) {
var res = values[0];
for (values) |it| {
res = @max(res, it);
max_value.* = res;
const mid = values.len / 2;
const left = values[0..mid];
const right = values[mid..];
var left_max: i32 = undefined;
var right_max: i32 = undefined;
// This block is necessary to ensure that all threads are joined before proceeding.
const t1 = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, findMax, .{ &left_max, left });
defer t1.join();
const t2 = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, findMax, .{ &right_max, right });
defer t2.join();
max_value.* = @max(left_max, right_max);