TCP Client
In this example, we demonstrate creation of a TCP client to connect to the server from the previous section.
You can run it using zig build run-04-02 -- <port>
const std = @import("std");
const net =;
const print = std.debug.print;
pub fn main() !void {
var args = std.process.args();
// The first (0 index) Argument is the path to the program.
_ = args.skip();
const port_value = orelse {
print("expect port as command line argument\n", .{});
return error.NoPort;
const port = try std.fmt.parseInt(u16, port_value, 10);
const peer = try net.Address.parseIp4("", port);
// Connect to peer
const stream = try net.tcpConnectToAddress(peer);
defer stream.close();
print("Connecting to {}\n", .{peer});
// Sending data to peer
const data = "hello zig";
var writer = stream.writer();
const size = try writer.write(data);
print("Sending '{s}' to peer, total written: {d} bytes\n", .{ data, size });
// Or just using `writer.writeAll`
// try writer.writeAll("hello zig");
By default, the program connects with IPv4. If you want IPv6, use
instead of
, replace net.Address.parseIp4