Mmap file
Creates a memory map of a file using mmap and simulates some non-sequential reads from the file. Using a memory map means you just index into a slice rather than having to deal with seek to navigate a file.
const std = @import("std");
const fs = std.fs;
const print = std.debug.print;
const filename = "/tmp/zig-cookbook-01-02.txt";
pub fn main() !void {
if (.windows == @import("builtin").os.tag) {
std.debug.print("MMap is not supported in Windows\n", .{});
const file = try fs.cwd().createFile(filename, .{
.read = true,
.truncate = true,
.exclusive = false, // Set to true will ensure this file is created by us
defer file.close();
const content_to_write = "hello zig cookbook";
// Before mmap, we need to ensure file isn't empty
try file.setEndPos(content_to_write.len);
const md = try file.metadata();
try std.testing.expectEqual(md.size(), content_to_write.len);
const ptr = try std.posix.mmap(
std.posix.PROT.READ | std.posix.PROT.WRITE,
.{ .TYPE = .SHARED },
defer std.posix.munmap(ptr);
// Write file via mmap
std.mem.copyForwards(u8, ptr, content_to_write);
// Read file via mmap
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(content_to_write, ptr);